An Attitude of Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Having an attitude of gratitude in every area of your life has been proven to be hugely beneficial. When we show we’re grateful for everything we have, the opportunities we’re given, the people we meet and the life we live, lo and behold we get more of the good stuff!
While thinking grateful thoughts is great, actually taking that next step and putting some action and expression behind your gratitude makes it even more powerful.
Business = relationships
Being truly successful in business is about building relationships and offering incredible value to your customers.
Thank you letters
An effective way of maintaining long-term relationships is to express gratitude by sending welcome letters and thank you notes along with small, branded gifts.
Digital formats like email and messaging now dominate most interpersonal correspondence, so there’s something really special about receiving a personalised card or letter sent via good old fashioned “snail mail”.
This format is so meaningful that many successful entrepreneurs send several thank you cards a day, customised with their company’s logo. It’s an efficient way of staying in touch with customers, vendors and other contacts.
Welcome letters
Welcome letters are a great way to cement relationships with new customers. They provide you with an opportunity to:
- Let new customers know how important they are
- Promote your other products and services
- Ask for referrals
Your welcome letter might include:
- A warm welcome to the firm
- Contact information
- A request for referrals
- 2 business cards
- Your firm brochure
Set up a system to send welcome letters automatically as part of your customer onboarding process. This way you can ensure they never get missed. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so don’t omit this simple step.
It’s these thoughtful extra touches that mean a lot to people and make your business stand out. Encourage your staff to do the same – you might even want to make it company policy!
Top tip
When you’re sending a welcome or thank you letter to one of your customers, include at least 2 business cards and a brochure, if you have one. Make it easy for people to refer you to new prospects!
You can find examples of welcome and thank you letters, plus lots more helpful business tips in our new “Top Tips and Ideas for Business Growth” eBook – click here to download your free copy now.