Why it Matters to be Different

Nothing is new in this world.
Now, before you think I’ve gone mad and click away from this blog, hear me out. Although we see more and more innovations to solve all our problems, most, if not all, have been done before in one iteration or another. But (and this is the important bit) it doesn’t matter. What matters are the things that make you stand out from the crowd of businesses just like yours. You need to show what is different about you.
Whatever business you are in, it’s important to make it as easy as possible for people to understand why working with you is better than working with another company. Because you can bet, if they are looking to work with you, they are probably also looking at other companies at the same time.
Same old same old…
When it comes to marketing your company, it’s easy to focus on the same key attributes as everyone else. Most often we list features of a product or service we offer, but do we list the qualities of the company that makes us different? Do we tell a convincing enough story to our potential customers that will have them choosing us first?
What makes a company, and its products and services, more attractive is the differences your potential customers will pick up on. So, focussing on those differences will make all the difference to your marketing strategy.
How to sell your difference

There are lots of ways to promote your difference. Maybe the product or service itself is different, even if it is in subtle ways, to your main competitor. Maybe it is about the methods you use to you sell your products. Maybe it’s the unique service you provide, or your convenient location.
Think beyond the obvious too. It’s all too easy to choose a simple differentiator like price. Remember, though, it’s an easy choice for someone else as well. You will have customers whose priority is buying the cheapest option, so who do they choose between two companies offering the same priced product? The one who proves they are different in other ways.
Get clear on what makes you different
Working out what makes you really different doesn’t have to be complicated. Start off by simply asking yourself this question: “why us, instead of a competitor?”. For even more clarity you could also list:
- The benefits of your products and services,
- Who works with you
- Their key roles in the running of the business.
Then do the same for your main competitor as much as you can. Work on it until you can clearly see what makes you stand out.
The next step? Shout about it! For anyone who is looking at your marketing material or your website, how you can solve your customers problems with your unique approach needs to be front and centre. Make it clear to anyone looking that you are their best choice, because you are different to everyone else.
If you want to know more about how Grant-Jones can help you stand out from the crowd, contact us today.