Leading People Through Change

Does everything seem back to normal to you? Do we have any idea what normal is anymore? After two years of not knowing which way is up, getting back to some semblance of normality is a priority for most businesses. But that may look very different for your company now. You may have introduced practices to make efficient use of the lockdowns that you want to keep, or you may want to go back to the way things were or even try out something completely new. But if that involves growing your business, you need to ensure that your team are on board and ready, willing, and able to grow with you.
When a huge change like this is taking place, people want to know they have a strong and capable leader to guide them, not someone who slips into ‘barking boss’ mode or who sits behind a shut door all day.
Tidy your room!
Remember how you felt when you were a child and your parents told you to tidy your bedroom? Well, it’s those same childhood ‘stamping of the feet’ and ‘digging in the heels’ feelings that come up when, as ‘the boss’, you tell people what to do. That kind of leadership (and I use that term loosely) never brings out the best in a team at any time, but especially during a time of change.
Take the lead
What’s needed at this time is true leadership. Leadership that’s inclusive and encourages everyone to get involved and bring their best to the business. Great leaders go out of their way to motivate and boost the self-esteem of their team and encourage them to take ownership of their roles. When your team believe in themselves and what they’re doing and understands what’s needed for the growth of the business, you’ll be amazed at what they can accomplish.
What motivates people
Recognising the different drivers of your team members is another key ingredient to helping them excel in their roles. While the motivational model of reward or fear of punishment has been prevalent for a long time, author Daniel Pink argues that human motivation is largely intrinsic and can be divided into three different aspects: autonomy, mastery and purpose.
When you understand which of these aspects motivates the individuals in their team, and then supports them in developing that within their role, it not only has a huge impact on the individual, but also on the culture and performance of the whole company. Research has shown time again that a happy workforce is a highly productive workforce, and a productive workforce impacts positively on your business.
Learn to listen
If you want your team to really feel involved in the growth of your business, take time to sit down with them, ask questions and then be humble enough to really listen to what is said. Being respected and heard helps your team know they are an integral part of your plans, and that they can have a direct and positive impact on how things change.
Make it commonplace for your team to know they can express their fears as well as share their ideas. Ask them what they want and what would make things better for them, and then actually follow through with as many of their suggestions as possible, and include them in the decision making and implementation process.
Growing a business and leading it through change can be tough, so it’s important to ensure that you also receive help and guidance when needed. Ready for the change? Get Grant Jones’ Top Tips and Ideas for Business Growth book to your inbox today. Click here to sign up.