24 May 2021 Your Standard Work Week In every business there’s a whole range of jobs that must be completed on a weekly basis. When you first start out the likelihood is that you’ll be juggling a lot of these jobs yourself. As your business expands, it’s... Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
10 May 2021 Your Day-to-Day Work As business owners there’s always so many pressures on our time and getting the balance right between working on versus working in our business can be pretty challenging. It’s important to feel like you’re in control of your day and not the other way around! So, let’s have a look at a few things you can have in place to make sure that’s the case. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
26 April 2021 The Sustainable Business Sustainability is a word that’s bandied around a lot, with talk of sustainable processes, sustainable fashion, sustainable food and sustainable lifestyles. A great deal of emphasis is put on sustainability for the planet, and rightfully so. At Grant Jones we also understand the importance of sustainable practices within the internal structure of a business. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
13 April 2021 An Attitude of Gratitude Goes a Long Way Having an attitude of gratitude in every area of your life has been proven to be hugely beneficial. When we show we’re grateful for everything we have, the opportunities we’re given, the people we meet and the life we live, lo and behold we get more of the good stuff! While thinking grateful thoughts is great, actually taking that next step and putting some action and expression behind your gratitude makes it even more powerful. Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
29 March 2021 Manage Your Contacts in a Systematic Way In the business world, you need to collect and manage a lot of information about your customers, prospects and referral sources. To do this effectively and efficiently it’s important to have a robust contact management system in place… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
15 March 2021 Referrals – The Best Way to Get New Customers There’s no better way for any business to get new customers and build sales than by referrals. They are the lifeblood of a successful business. Not only are referrals the number one source of new business; they are the leading source of the best new business… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
2 March 2021 Building a Happy Team Your business might provide the best product or service in the world, but if your team isn’t happy it will impact massively on the success of your business… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
15 February 2021 What’s Your Value Proposition? In the business world it’s almost unheard of not to have any competitors, which is why it’s so important to know why and how you’re different from other businesses… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
1 February 2021 The 80/20 Rule to Focus on Your Best Customers Have you heard of the 80/20 rule? Also known as the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule states that 20% of your activities generate 80% of your results. You can take this rule and apply it to almost any situation… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
18 January 2021 Happy Customers, Happy Business The aim for every business is to have an abundance of happy customers who continue to come back time and time again, and who recommend you left, right and center. And when it comes to understanding your weaknesses and identifying new opportunities to expand your business, your customers are often the best people to support you. Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
4 January 2021 Planning Your Business Planning is a key element to running a successful business, yet you’d be surprised how many businesses don’t have a plan in place! To reach your goals, you really need to have a business plan… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
4 December 2020 What Makes you Unique? All too often one of the first things people focus on when they’re starting their business is designing their logo and nailing a catchy tagline. But before you invest time and money in that direction, you first need to put your energy into getting clear on what makes your business different… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
23 November 2020 Get Clear on What You Want You’d be right in thinking that the obvious first step for anyone starting a business, is to sit down and get really clear on what they want and why they want it. What’s interesting though is how little time many business owners actually give to this before opening their doors to customers. Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
9 November 2020 Metrics for Merging Teams When your teams don’t understand and collaborate well it can be incredibly frustrating – and costly! This is particularly apparent when businesses have merged. Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
26 October 2020 Creating Flow with Metrics When your business already has tried and tested systems and processes in place, it can sometimes be hard to take an objective step back and see how they can be improved. Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
12 October 2020 Make Your Metrics Crystal Clear We all know that when it comes to business, one of the key things we need to have a handle on are our numbers. However, there’s no point having numbers for numbers sake! Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
28 September 2020 How Metrics Help Your Sales and Marketing There are a variety of ways that metrics can help drive decisions for your business. So, let’s take a look at a sales and marketing case study, and how some simple metrics can help a business increase their profits without the need to increase their marketing spend. Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
14 September 2020 How Metrics Help a Business When it comes to metrics, I could easily reel off a long list with definitions for you, but in reality that’s not actually very helpful (or that interesting to read!). Why? Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
29 August 2020 Why Your Numbers Are at the Heart of Your Business Whatever your business, knowing how it’s doing at any point in time means you’re able to make the most of opportunities and respond quickly to threats. So how do you keep your finger on the pulse? Categories Know Your Numbers Comments: 0
3 March 2020 Financing your business – part 2 Are you ready to grow? If you are, then financing your business is an important part of this. There are several options available, and this is the second blog giving you an overview of what these are, so you’re informed and can start researching in more depth the right option for your business. Categories Business Basics Comments: 0
21 February 2020 Financing your business – Part 1 Are you ready to grow? If you are, then financing your business is an important part of this. There are a number of options available, and over the next two blogs I’ll be giving you an overview of what these are, so you’re informed and can start researching in more depth the right option for your business. Categories Business Basics Comments: 0
5 February 2020 Services, Systems and Tools You’ve just started out in business. It’s just you (or maybe you and a business partner). There isn’t much going on. Everything is in your head and it all gets done. But what about when it gets busy? Categories Business Basics Comments: 0
21 January 2020 Budgeting in an uncertain time – Part 3 The final furlong of creating your budget, is to ensure you have a crystal-clear forward and backward plan laid out. Categories Business Basics Comments: 0
12 January 2020 Budgeting in an uncertain time – part 2 You’ve completed all of the essential preparation work for your 2020 budget, and now it’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard – whatever your preference) with some facts and figures. Categories Business Basics Comments: 0
17 December 2019 Budgeting in an uncertain time Things every business needs to know – part 2 Why does a budget matter? Let’s be honest when it comes to working to a budget, things don’t always go exactly to plan! There are so many variables involved that it’s... Categories Business Basics Comments: 0