9 August 2022 Tools for Post-Pandemic Business Growth Now that the pandemic has shifted gear and as a business owner you’re adjusting to a new way of working, moving your business on to the next level may need some careful thought. Categories Post Pandemic Next Steps Comments: 0
5 July 2022 The Grant-Jones Accountancy Values Ever since its inception as a business Grant-Jones Accountancy began with the simple vision of being an extraordinary accountancy firm working in partnership with small business so they can achieve great things. That vision has stayed with us now for 16 years and will be our guiding light into the future. Our values are the same – simple and straightforward. We’ve used the acronym LEAVES to make it clear what we hold dear. Categories Business Values Comments: 0
7 June 2022 Living Your Values Creating company values isn’t always easy but having the right values that make sense to you and your business and will stand the test of time is crucial if you want to be taken seriously. Values really matter to customers. Let’s look at why… Categories Business Values Comments: 0
9 May 2022 You Have Values – Now What? So, you’ve sat down and gone through all the things that matter to you, you’ve brainstormed, you’ve included all the people who matter, you’ve added your values to your website and marketing materials. Now what? Categories Business Values Comments: 0
7 April 2022 Defining your values What if I said to you that the owner of a business believes being ethical is one of the most important things to them as an individual, and yet they routinely use unethical practices in their business dealings. It wouldn’t ring true, would it? Categories Business Values Comments: 0
7 March 2022 The Value-led SME – Why Values Matter Company values are a set of beliefs or principles that guide how a company does business. Why is it so important that companies have them, even when they sell products and services that customers want and need regardless of their principles? Categories Business Values Comments: 0
22 February 2022 Shout about your difference Many businesses have well thought-out USPs and stand head and shoulders over their competitors for what they offer. But all too often I see people get shy about advertising their difference. Here are some tips to get you started in broadcasting your differentiators. Categories Your USP Comments: 0
10 January 2022 Ways to be different in business There are many ways to set up your business, and each way is individual to you and how you want to run your company. The same is true of your endeavours to stand out from the crowd. So, what does... Categories Your USP Comments: 0
7 December 2021 Why it Matters to be Different Nothing is new in this world. Now, before you think I’ve gone mad and click away from this blog, hear me out. Although we see more and more innovations to solve all our problems, most, if not all, have been... Categories Your USP Comments: 0
16 November 2021 Have a Fantastic Christmas! No, I haven’t lost my marbles – nor have I mislaid the rest of November. It’s just that I can predict the future! As with years gone by, the festive season will come along in a rush, the family will... Categories Personal Tax/Small Businesses Comments: 0
18 October 2021 Personnel, benefits and pensions, oh my! If having employees is in your business plan, then this is the whistle-stop tour for you to understand what you need to put in place. Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
5 October 2021 Welcome to the 21st Century – digitising your business I’ve no doubt that there are companies in this country who still have a preference for paper bookkeeping but, depending on what type of company you are setting up and what turnover you will have, the move towards digital is inevitable. Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
20 September 2021 For the love of bookkeeping Let’s face it, unless you are an accountant, most people shudder at the thought of bookkeeping, especially when they have everything else to do while running a business. Once established, many companies employ or contract someone to do this role for them. If you are starting out and are doing the books yourself, or your plan is to employ someone from the outset, it’s really important to understand the importance of keeping an up-to-date record of your money… Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
6 September 2021 Tax basics for your start-up Believe it or not, the ‘taxman’ (or woman!) is your friend. No, it’s true. If you’ve ever been on the HMRC website, all the information about self-assessment, national insurance, how to set up an account, tax rates, VAT, PAYE and benefits is available for anyone setting up or running a business. There’s also a lot of it and to some, it may feel overwhelming. So here is a quick overview guide to tax for your start-up business… Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
23 August 2021 Reviewing your business before you sign on the dotted line We’ve all heard the phrase “dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s” and never is this more important in business than when you have an idea and you start to draw up plans. When it comes to an idea for a new start up, I always advise clients to go through the same process… Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
9 August 2021 Support for your new business venture Setting up a business can be both scary and exciting. Whether you are thinking of setting up on your own or with a partner, it’s vital you have support, and the right kind of support… Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
27 July 2021 Is working from home working for you? The covid-19 pandemic saw unprecedented numbers of people either being furloughed or working from home. It has certainly given many pause for thought about our working lives. For some, working from home might have suited them down to the ground, others not so much. Maybe you’ve been thinking about trading the office for a life of self-employment… Categories New Business Startup Comments: 0
12 July 2021 Doing Good for the World Giving back through charitable deeds is one important step businesses can take to be ‘sustainable’. By practicing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a company contributes money, time or expertise that enhance society and the environment. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
21 June 2021 The People Dynamic As a business owner, it stands to reason that you’re 100% committed to your business, which means you’re happy to pour all you’ve got into it. You need to be realistic however and understand that your team might not have the same 100% commitment as you do. But there are things you can do to find and keep good people and help them cultivate a high level of dedication to your business and their work. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
8 June 2021 Preparing for Bumps in the Road One thing’s for sure, there’s no certainty when it comes to business! There are always going to be bumps in the road to overcome. we can’t always anticipate what will happen in our future. However, we can make sure we’re prepared for as many eventualities as possible if the worst happens. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
24 May 2021 Your Standard Work Week In every business there’s a whole range of jobs that must be completed on a weekly basis. When you first start out the likelihood is that you’ll be juggling a lot of these jobs yourself. As your business expands, it’s... Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
10 May 2021 Your Day-to-Day Work As business owners there’s always so many pressures on our time and getting the balance right between working on versus working in our business can be pretty challenging. It’s important to feel like you’re in control of your day and not the other way around! So, let’s have a look at a few things you can have in place to make sure that’s the case. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
26 April 2021 The Sustainable Business Sustainability is a word that’s bandied around a lot, with talk of sustainable processes, sustainable fashion, sustainable food and sustainable lifestyles. A great deal of emphasis is put on sustainability for the planet, and rightfully so. At Grant Jones we also understand the importance of sustainable practices within the internal structure of a business. Categories Sustainable Business Comments: 0
13 April 2021 An Attitude of Gratitude Goes a Long Way Having an attitude of gratitude in every area of your life has been proven to be hugely beneficial. When we show we’re grateful for everything we have, the opportunities we’re given, the people we meet and the life we live, lo and behold we get more of the good stuff! While thinking grateful thoughts is great, actually taking that next step and putting some action and expression behind your gratitude makes it even more powerful. Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0
29 March 2021 Manage Your Contacts in a Systematic Way In the business world, you need to collect and manage a lot of information about your customers, prospects and referral sources. To do this effectively and efficiently it’s important to have a robust contact management system in place… Categories Top Tips for Business Growth Comments: 0